13 Kindle Books Free Today
My 14th book, Take Time for Comfort, is available today for purchase.
Take Time for Comfort, the fifth book in my Take Comfort series, is available for purchase today. It's also the 14th book I've released to support you during and after a caregiving experience.
In Take Time for Comfort, I take 104 words -- including Nothing, Punch, Watch and Life -- and then turn each into a reflection. The reflections focus on a family caregiver’s reality, sprinkled with hope. Each reflection provides a quick read to provide comfort to anyone struggling with the demands of a caregiving experience.
You can read one page of Take Time for Comfort once a week to connect to support. You can use the words I write to inspire the words you write in your own journal. You can carry the book with you to ease your worries during a long wait or caregiving crisis. My own personal caregiving experience inspired me to write these comforts so I could better about my caregiving days. I share them with you so you feel better, too.
To celebrate the release of Take Time for Comfort, I'm making my first 13 Kindle books available for free today (8/20) and tomorrow (8/21).
My books help you find comfort on a difficult day, work through your worries and find your new definitions of hope. In addition, they provide journal prompts for healing, recovery and good mornings. I’ve created books that are simple to digest during an overwhelming and stressful day and offer insights to help you make good decisions and create effective strategies.
A Canadian palliative care and hospice organization uses my books to support family caregivers in their private online community. A library in the Chicago area uses Healing Words for monthly support group discussions. A Certified Caregiving Consultant also uses Healing Words during her coaching sessions.
You also can download The Caregiving Guide, Your Go-To Reference and Companion During All Stages of Your Caregiving Experience. If you feel the struggle of trying to keep your life during a life of caregiving, you’ll find comfort in this guide. This book blends heart-healing support with thoughtful, strategic, feet-on-the-ground guidance.
I’d love for these books and journals to be daily comforts of support for you. Download your free 13 books and purchase your copy of Take Time for Comfort.
What daily support strategies do you use during stressful times?