Time Sensitive Advocacy Request
Comments are due today (9/9) by 5 p.m. ET to support services that help family caregivers.
CMS is requesting comments on these changes today (September 9, 2024) until 5 p.m. ET (4 p.m. CT, 2 p.m. PT).
If you can, it would be wonderful if you could leave a comment.
If you are a family caregiver, you can leave a comment like this:
"I care for (insert details about your caree, diagnosis, length of time caregiving). The experience means I'm stressed, overwhelmed and in need of help. I would love to connect with a trained auxiliary professional, like a Certified Caregiving Consultant or Comfort Care Family Coach, who understands my experience and can offer support, guidance and tools to help me navigate the systems, cope with my stress, plan for emergencies and teach me how to manage. Please make these services through an auxiliary professional accessible to me through Telehealth and available to me by ensuring my physician can easily add these services to his or her practice. I've been going it alone and I can't keep going alone. I need help."
You can post your comment here: https://www.regulations.gov/document/CMS-2024-0256-0045
It's confusing to figure how to post a comment. Here are the instructions:
The “Comment” Button can be found when a Document is open for comment on the following pages:
“Docket” Page in the “Documents” Tab
“Document Details” Page
“Document Search” Tab when the” All search results open for Comment" Checkbox is checked
Clicking the “Comment” Button on any of the above pages will display the Comment Form. You can enter your Comment on the form, attach files (a maximum of 20 files of up to 10MB each), and choose whether to identify yourself as an individual, an organization, or as anonymous.
Be sure to complete all required fields, indicated by a red asterisk (*). Please note that information entered on the Comment Form may be viewable publicly on Regulations.gov. Once you have completed all required fields and chosen an identity, the “Submit Comment” Button will be enabled.
Upon completion, you will receive a Comment Tracking Number for your Comment.
Thanks so much for your support!
I am a caregiver for my wife diagnosed with NMOSD since 20027. The experience leaves me stressed, overwhelmed, and in need of help. I would like to connect with a trained supportive professional, such as a Certified Caregiving Consultant or Comfort Care Family Coach, who understands my experience and can provide support, guidance, and tools to help me navigate systems, manage my stress, plan for emergencies, and teach me how to cope. Please make these services available to me through a support professional via telehealth by ensuring that my physician can easily incorporate these services into his or her practice. I've been doing it alone, and I can't do it anymore. I need help.