Which Superpowers describe you? Which one(s) would you like to be?
Artist: You create in order to bring beauty to your world, your caree's world and our world.
Advocate: You champion causes, whether they be yours, your caree's, the family caregiver's or all of them, and speak for those who can't.
Broadcaster: You air the truth of the experiences, the systems and the challenges you encounter during caregiving.
Connector: You create a network of colleagues who do great work and make sure to nurture and share those connections to help others.
Diplomat: You effectively negotiate to get what you need and want within The 17 Caregiving Systems.
Director: You set the stage for others to be successful and to enjoy their moment in the spotlight.
Entrepreneur: You can't find what you need and want so you create and build it yourself, whether it be a hack formed by duct tape or into an app.
Feeler: You take time to understand feelings -- yours and others around you. Because you understand these feelings, you connect in deep, meaningful ways with others.
Fighter: Your concern for sub-standard (care, rights, results) spurs you to fight for better.
Investor: You invest resources, energy and time in the people, services, ideas, products and resources which best help you and your caree. As a result, your investment brings out the best in you and others.
Interviewer: You ask questions to get the best information, find the best resource and gain the helpful wisdom.
Interpreter: You make sense of it. In addition, you help your caree understand the changes and systems. You help the systems understand your caree's needs, wishes and preferences. You also help your family members understand the diagnosis, the systems and the challenges.
Listener: You receive the stories and insights that others share. Your quiet, comforting presence gives others the courage to tell their stories.
Mentor: You've been through it so want others to experience better outcomes.
Observer: You take note of what's being said and being done so you can put the pieces together to get what you and your caree need.
Organizer: You build teams and movements in your house, your caree's house, on social media, in your neighborhood.
Peacemaker: When the arguments begin, you step in to find common ground to create the compromise so you can get back to what's most important.
Phoenix: After losing it all, you regroup to become better.
Shepherd: When others lose faith, you bring the belief that they will be okay.
Story-Teller: You educate The 17 Caregiving Systems to improve the experience for family caregivers and former family caregivers by collecting and sharing stories at events and conferences.
Supporter: You share words of encouragement as often and as much as you can which gives courage to others to continue.
Thinker: You think through next steps, actions, decisions and choices. Because you take time to think, you move with calm, intentional clarity through experiences.
Writer: You write and blog about your experiences to honor your story (and your caree) and so others know they aren't alone.
Your Superpowers reveal your strengths. How will you use these strengths to improve today and tomorrow?
What would you add to my list?
(Image by Leopictures from Pixabay.)
When you create your free account on CaringOurWay.com, you’ll select your top 5 Superpowers, which appear on your profile.
It’s Take a Pass Day!! Take a pass on the grind and take time for feeling better.
Join me Saturday, January 25, at 11 a.m. ET (10 a.m. CT, 8 a.m. PT) for our free, one-hour Caregiving Advocate training. The time is now to create an impact that improves the caregiving or after-caregiving experience. You are just the person to be that catalyst for change. We want you to be successful in your work to make that change. Our training arms you with what you need to start an effective movement for change.
Denise, first of all - this is very creative! Most of all, even though I’m not a caregiver now, but a caree, I wasn’t very pleased with myself as I read your work. But I did fit under the roles of Interpreter and Supporter when I was involved in the caretaking process, and Writer now. Thank you so much for your article.